Teaching using Inquiry based Learning


Students need to learn how to problem solve and they need to be engaged.  When students do not find work relevant, they become disengaged.  I plan to create a lesson that incorporates all of the standard principles. When students return from summer break, I always have media center orientation.  Later in the year, I teach research.  This year I want to focus more on the databases in the research lesson.


I feel that this is authentic or relevant because students need to learn to research.  You must research to buy a house or car.  In addition, those students who attend college will need to learn research.  “Authenticity includes tasks, activity or work that is associated with a result or outcome that has clear meaning and value to the student.” (Schlechty, 3).  I know the information is valid and the way in which I will teach it through hands-on activities built around answering a question related to real life experiences.

Deep understanding

“While designing learning around real world problems, issues, or tasks can lead to student interest, it does not necessarily translate into productive understanding and knowledge transfer.”(Implementing Inquiry) I will make sure the students thoroughly understand through deep practice.  I will not use drills and worksheets but “deliberate practice”. I would like to use a research shakedown method where students will have scenarios to decide which databases or sources to use in research.  Furthermore, the students will have to evaluate their sources repeatedly.


I will use a combination of formative assessment to evaluate the students including self-assessment.

Appropriate use of technology

The technology that will be used will enhance, engage or extend the lesson. (Kolb,2013) Teachers freak out when students take out their phone in class.  I welcome it!  There is such much information available at the students’ fingertips.  Why not incorporate it into the lesson?

Learner Success

By having students set goals, you can help students be successful and chart their growth.  In addition, this helps to develop the growth mindset.  Using Padlet students can chart their growth.  I will use digital badges to chart the students growth and learning styles.

Connecting with Experts

I plan to show students my research papers and many times their teachers will offer to show their research papers.

Performances of Understanding

There are so many different databases that students can use.  By allowing students to choose the database that they feel is best in what they are searching for, I feel will help to further promote understanding.

Ethical Citizenship

Students must cite their sources that they find in the databases.  I have a short tutorial video and most of the databases have a tool that allows students to click and get their citation.  I will stress the importance of citing your sources when you use them.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. You have a great selection of words to represent inquiry based learning. I liked seeing the word success in the word art. It is important that we design instruction so that students can have success when inquiry learning is taking place. Like you mentioned, gaining the students interest and making the content relevant is where inquiry will gain speed. Your ideas for implementation look great for your content area.


  2. Jennifer S. says:

    It’s definitely harder to learn if one can’t see how something might apply to one’s life. Learning for learning’s sake is not always easy!

    Liked by 1 person

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